

class nexuscli.nexus_client.NexusClient(url=None, user=None, password=None, verify=None, config_path=None)

Bases: object

A class to interact with Nexus 3’s API.

Unless all keyword arguments url, user and password are supplied, the class will attempt to read the configuration file and, if unsuccessful, use defaults.

  • url (str) – URL to Nexus 3 OSS service. Default: DEFAULT_URL.
  • user (str) – login for Nexus service at given url. Default: DEFAULT_USER.
  • password (str) – password for given login. Default: DEFAULT_PASS.
  • verify (bool) – toggle certificate validation. Default: DEFAULT_VERIFY.
  • config_path (str) – local file containing configuration above in JSON format with these keys: nexus_url, nexus_user and nexus_pass. Default: CONFIG_PATH.

as per url argument of NexusClient.


as per config_path argument of NexusClient.

CONFIG_PATH = '/home/docs/.nexus-cli'
DEFAULT_PASS = 'admin123'
DEFAULT_URL = 'http://localhost:8081'
DEFAULT_USER = 'admin'
delete(repository_path, **kwargs)

Delete artefacts, recursively if repository_path is a directory.

  • repository_path – location on the repository service.
  • kwargs – implementation-specific arguments.

number of deleted files. Negative number for errors.

Return type:


download(source, destination, **kwargs)

Process a download. The source must be a valid Nexus 3 repository path, including the repository name as the first component of the path.

The destination must be a local file name or directory.

If a file name is given as destination, the asset may be renamed. The final destination will depend on self.flatten: when True, the remote path isn’t reproduced locally.

  • source – location of artefact or directory on the repository service.
  • destination – path to the local file or directory.
  • flatten – when True, the remote path isn’t reproduced locally.
  • nocache – Force download of a directory or artefact even if local copy is available and is up-to-date with the version available on Nexus.

number of downloaded files.

download_file(download_url, destination)

Download an asset from Nexus artefact repository to local file system.

  • download_url – fully-qualified URL to asset being downloaded.
  • destination – file or directory location to save downloaded asset. Must be an existing directory; any exiting file in this location will be overwritten.


List all the artefacts, recursively, in a given repository_path.

  • repository_path – location on the repository service.
  • kwargs – implementation-specific arguments.

list of artefacts

Return type:



As per list but returns a generator of raw Nexus artefact objects


Read the configuration settings from the file specified by config_path and activates them via set_config().

The configuration file is in JSON format and expects these keys: nexus_user, nexus_pass, nexus_url, nexus_verify.

If the configuration file is not found, the default settings will be used instead.


Instance of nexuscli.repository.model.RepositoryCollection. This will automatically use the existing instance of NexusClient to communicate with the Nexus service.


Full URL to the Nexus REST API, based on base_url.

Returns:the URL.

Instance of nexuscli.script.model.ScriptCollection. This will automatically use the existing instance of NexusClient to communicate with the Nexus service.

set_config(user, password, base_url, verify)

Configures the Nexus service credentials and base URL. The credentials are stored in a private class attribute and the base URL in base_url.

Every subsequent operation that requires a request to the Nexus service will use this configuration.


Splits a given component path into repository, directory, filename.

A Nexus component path for a raw directory must have this format:


A path ending in / means it represents a directory; otherwise it represents a filename.

>>> dst0 = 'myrepo0/dir/'
>>> dst1 = 'myrepo1/dir/subdir/'
>>> dst2 = 'myrepo2/dir/subdir/file'
>>> dst3 = 'myrepo3/dir/subdir/etc/file.ext'
>>> split_component_path(dst0)
>>> ('myrepo0', 'dir', None)
>>> split_component_path(dst1)
>>> ('myrepo1', 'dir/subdir', None)
>>> split_component_path(dst2)
>>> ('myrepo2', 'dir/subdir', 'file')
>>> split_component_path(dst3)
>>> ('myrepo3', 'dir/subdir/etc', 'file.ext')
Parameters:component_path (str) – the Nexus component path, as described above.
Returns:tuple of (repository_name, directory, filename). If the given component_path doesn’t represent a file, filename is set to None.
Return type:tuple
upload(source, destination, **kwargs)

Process an upload. The source must be either a local file name or directory. The flatten and recurse options are honoured for directory uploads.

The destination must be a valid Nexus 3 repository path, including the repository name as the first component of the path.

  • source – location of file or directory to be uploaded.
  • destination – destination path in Nexus, including repository name and, if required, directory name (e.g. raw repos require a directory).
  • recurse – do not process sub directories for uploads to remote
  • flatten – Flatten directory structure by not reproducing local directory structure remotely

number of files uploaded.

upload_directory(src_dir, dst_repo, dst_dir, **kwargs)

Uploads all files in a directory, honouring options flatten and recurse.

  • src_dir – path to local directory to be uploaded
  • dst_repo – destination repository
  • dst_dir – destination directory in dst_repo

number of files uploaded

Return type:


upload_file(src_file, dst_repo, dst_dir, dst_file=None)

Uploads a singe file to a Nexus repository under the directory and file name specified. If the destination file name isn’t given, the source file name is used.

  • src_file – path to the local file to be uploaded.
  • dst_repo – name of the Nexus repository.
  • dst_dir – directory under dst_repo to place file in.
  • dst_file – destination file name.

Writes the latest configuration set using set_config() to disk under config_path.

If a file already exists, it will be overwritten. The permission will be set to read/write to the owner only.


exception nexuscli.exception.DownloadError

Bases: Exception

Error retrieving artefact from Nexus service.

exception nexuscli.exception.NexusClientAPIError

Bases: Exception

Unexpected response from Nexus service.

exception nexuscli.exception.NexusClientCreateRepositoryError

Bases: Exception

Used when a repository creation operation in Nexus fails.

exception nexuscli.exception.NexusClientInvalidCredentials

Bases: Exception

Login credentials not accepted by Nexus service. Usually the result of a HTTP 401 response.

exception nexuscli.exception.NexusClientInvalidRepository

Bases: Exception

The given repository does not exist in Nexus.

exception nexuscli.exception.NexusClientInvalidRepositoryPath

Bases: Exception

Used when an operation against the Nexus service uses an invalid or non-existent path.


class nexuscli.repository.model.Repository(repo_type, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Creates an object representing a Nexus repository with the given format, type and attributes.

  • name (str) – name of the new repository.
  • format (str) – format (recipe) of the new repository. Must be one of nexuscli.repository.validations.KNOWN_FORMATS.
  • blob_store_name (str) – an existing blob store; ‘default’ should work on most installations.
  • depth (int) – only accepted when repo_format='yum'. The Yum repodata depth. Usually 1.
  • remote_url (str) – only accepted when repo_type='proxy'. The URL of the repository being proxied, including the protocol scheme.
  • strict_content_type_validation (bool) – only accepted when repo_type='hosted'. Whether to validate file extension against its content type.
  • version_policy (str) – only accepted when repo_type='hosted'. Must be one of nexuscli.repository.validations.VERSION_POLICIES.
  • write_policy (str) – only accepted when repo_type='hosted'. Must be one of nexuscli.repository.validations.WRITE_POLICIES.
  • layout_policy (str) – only accepted when format='maven'. Must be one of nexuscli.repository.validations.LAYOUT_POLICIES.
  • ignore_extra_kwargs (bool) – if True, do not raise an exception for unnecessary/extra/invalid kwargs.
  • repo_type – type for the new repository. Must be one of nexuscli.repository.validations.KNOWN_TYPES.
  • kwargs – attributes for the new repository.

a Repository instance with the given settings

Return type:



Validate the configuration for the Repository and build its representation as a python dict. The dict returned by this property can be converted to JSON for use with the nexus3-cli-repository-create groovy script returned by nexuscli.repository.groovy.script_create_repo().

Example structure and attributes common to all repositories:

>>> common_configuration = {
>>>     'name': 'my-repository',
>>>     'online': True,
>>>     'recipeName': 'raw',
>>>     '_state': 'present',
>>>     'attributes': {
>>>         'storage': {
>>>             'blobStoreName': 'default',
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> }

Depending on the repository type and format (recipe), other attributes will be present.

Returns:repository configuration
Return type:dict
class nexuscli.repository.model.RepositoryCollection(client=None)

Bases: object

A class to manage Nexus 3 repositories.

Parameters:client (nexuscli.nexus_client.NexusClient) – the client instance that will be used to perform operations against the Nexus 3 service. You must provide this at instantiation or set it before calling any methods that require connectivity to Nexus.

as per client argument of RepositoryCollection.


Creates a Nexus repository with the given format and type.

Parameters:repository (Repository) –

Delete a repository.

Parameters:name – name of the repository to be deleted.

Return the raw dict for the repository called name. Remember to refresh() to get the latest from the server.

Parameters:name (str) – name of wanted repository
Returns:the repository, if found.
Return type:dict
Raises:IndexError – if no repository named name is found.

A raw representation of the Nexus repositories.

Returns:for the format, see List Repositories.
Return type:dict

Refresh local list of repositories with latest from service. A raw representation of repositories can be fetched using raw_list().


A groovy script that can be used to create repositories in Nexus 3.

Returns:the groovy script
Return type:str
nexuscli.repository.validations.is_target_supported(target, value, known, supported)

Validate whether the a target argument is known and supported. The target is only used to provide a friendlier message to the user. The given value is checked against known and supported.

  • target (str) – name of the target, as known to the end-user.
  • value (str) – value of the target key.
  • known (list) – known possible values for the target.
  • supported (list) – values for the target supported by us.
nexuscli.repository.validations.repository_args(repo_type, **kwargs)

Validate that the combination of arguments for a nexuscli.repository.Repository is valid.

  • ValueError – If the value of a given argument is invalid or unsupported, or if unrecognised keyword arguments are given.
  • TypeError – If the type of a given argument has the wrong object type.
  • NotImplementedError – If the combination of arguments isn’t yet supported.
  • repo_type – as given to nexuscli.nexus_repository.Repository.create()
  • kwargs – as given to nexuscli.nexus_repository.Repository.create()

Forces upper-case on the value of the layout_policy, write_policy and version_policy keys of a kwargs dict.

Parameters:args (dict) – kwargs given to caller
Returns:a copy of the original dict with the updated values.
Return type:dict


class nexuscli.script.model.Script

Bases: object

A Class representing a Nexus 3 script.

class nexuscli.script.model.ScriptCollection(client=None)

Bases: object

A class to manage Nexus 3 scripts.

Parameters:client (nexuscli.nexus_client.NexusClient) – the client instance that will be used to perform operations against the Nexus 3 service. You must provide this at instantiation or set it before calling any methods that require connectivity to Nexus.

as per client argument of ScriptCollection.


Create the given script in the Nexus 3 service.

Parameters:script_dict (dict) – instance of script to be created.
Raises:exception.NexusClientAPIError – if the script creation isn’t successful; i.e.: any HTTP code other than 204.

Creates a script in the Nexus 3 service IFF a script with the same name doesn’t exist. Equivalent to checking if the script exists with get() and, if not, creating it with create().

Parameters:script_dict (dict) – instance of script to be created.

Deletes a script from the Nexus 3 repository.

Parameters:script_name – name of script to be deleted.
Raises:exception.NexusClientAPIError – if the Nexus service fails to delete the script; i.e.: any HTTP code other than 204.

Get a Nexus 3 script by name.

Parameters:name – of script to be retrieved.
Returns:the script or None, if not found
Return type:dict, None
Raises:exception.NexusClientAPIError – if the response from the Nexus service isn’t recognised; i.e.: any HTTP code other than 200, 404.

List of all script names on the Nexus 3 service.

Returns:a list of names
Return type:list
Raises:exception.NexusClientAPIError – if the script names cannot be retrieved; i.e.: any HTTP code other than 200.
run(script_name, data='')

Runs an existing script on the Nexus 3 service.

  • script_name – name of script to be run.
  • data – parameters to be passed to the script, via HTTP POST. If the script being run requires a certain format or encoding, you need to prepare it yourself.

the content returned by the script, if any.

Return type:

str, dict


exception.NexusClientAPIError – if the Nexus service fails to run the script; i.e.: any HTTP code other than 200.


nexuscli.nexus_util.calculate_hash(hash_name, file_path_or_handle)

Calculate a hash for the given file.

  • hash_name (str) – name of the hash algorithm in hashlib
  • file_path_or_handle (Union[str, file object]) – source file name (str) or file handle (from open()) for the hash algorithm.

the calculated hash

Return type:


nexuscli.nexus_util.filtered_list_gen(raw_response, term=None, partial_match=True)
Iterates over items yielded by raw_response_gen, validating that:
  1. the path dict key is a str
  2. the path value starts with starts_with (if provided)
>>> r = [{
>>>     'checksum': {
>>>         'md5': 'd94b865aa7620c46ef8faef7059a311c',
>>>         'sha1': '2186934d880cf24dd9ecc578335e290026695522',
>>>         'sha256': 'b7bb3424a6a6(...)4113bc38fd7807528481a8ffe3cf',
>>>         'sha512': 'e7806f3caa3e(...)3caeb9bbc54bbde286c07f837fdc'
>>>     },
>>>     'downloadUrl': 'http://nexus/repository/repo_name/a/file.ext',
>>>     'format': 'yum',
>>>     'id': 'Y2xvdWRlcmEtbWFuYWdlcj(...)mRiNWU0YjllZWQzMg',
>>>     'path': 'a/fake.rpm',
>>>     'repository': 'cloudera-manager'}]
>>> for i in filtered_list_gen(r, starts_with='a/fake.rpm')
>>>     print(i['path'])
>>> for i in filtered_list_gen(r, starts_with='b')
>>>     print(i['path'])
# (nothing printed)
  • raw_response (iterable) – an iterable that yields one element of a nexus search response at a time, such as the one returned by _paginate_get().
  • term (str) – if defined, only items with an attribute path that starts with the given parameter are returned.
  • partial_match (bool) – if True, include items whose artefact path starts with the given term.

dict – items that matched the filter.


Checks that all given arguments have a string type (e.g. str, basestring, unicode etc)

Parameters:*args – values to be validated.
Returns:True if all arguments are of a string type. False otherwise.
Return type:bool